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The Stand Up Challenge

  • 42 Days
  • 24 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Your challenge until Christmas 2020 is to stand up without using your hands or to see progress in these exercises so you can perform them more easily in comparison to how you can now! You have 12 short exercises to practice and work through. You can choose to move through the exercises at your own pace when you feel you want to. Try to complete the exercises most days to see the best progress. They will only take a minute or so. You may want to repeat some of the previous building up exercises as you get the more challenging ones before doing them. Make sure you have had a short warm up, e.g. a few rolls downs, that you breath and use your deep abdominals. Do not push through any pain and please ask if you have any questions and report back with your progress. There is a short explanation for each exercise along with a video and suggested number of reps. Note how you find standing up without hands now so you can monitor and see your progress. Also notice for each exercise how it feels the first time.and how it feels after a few days of practice. Good luck. Let's do this. Please keep me posted on how it is going. I would love to see any videos or pictures online - tag me @cozpilates so I can see :). Xxxx Ps it seems you may get a notification each day feom Wix to ask you to complete the previous step. Just ignore these and take your time. Mark them off when you get around to doing them.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



4 x Online MAT, £24.00


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